المدة الزمنية 1:4

Distributed GPU Training using Hugging Face Transformers + Accelerate ML with SageMaker QuickStart

1 780 مشاهدة
تم نشره في 2021/05/25

RSVP Webinar: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1-hr-free-workshop-pipelineai-gpu-tpu-spark-ml-tensorflow-ai-kubernetes-kafka-scikit-tickets-45852865154 Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82308186562 [03:41] Talk #1: Distributed GPU Training using Hugging Face Transformers and Amazon SageMaker by Philipp Schmid, ML Engineer @ HuggingFace 🤗 I will start with a introduction of Hugging Face as company, what we do and offer. I'll then talk a bit about our Partnership with AWS and how practitioners can run distributed training for model/data-parallelism on Amazon SageMaker using both HuggingFace Transformers and Amazon SageMaker distributed libraries. I will provide a comprehensive tutorial including notebooks and source code. [35:41] Talk #2: Start Your ML Journey Quickly with SageMaker JumpStart by Dr. Li Zhang, Principal Product Manager for SageMaker Jumpstart @ AWS I will introduce SageMaker JumpStart, a newly launched feature of SageMaker providing you a quick way to get started with solving your machine learning problems. SageMaker JumpStart provides 184 popular vision and text models from popular model zoos, 16 pre-built, end-to-end solutions that solve common business use cases, notebooks, blogs, and video tutorials designed to help you learn and remove roadblocks. SageMaker JumpStart makes it extremely easy for experienced practitioners and beginners alike to quickly deploy and evaluate models and solutions, saving days or even weeks of work. By drastically shortening the path from experimentation to production, SageMaker JumpStart accelerates ML-powered innovation, particularly for organizations and teams that are early on their ML journey, and haven’t yet accumulated a lot of skills and experience. Bio: Dr. Li Zhang is a principal product manager technical for SageMaker JumpStart, Amazon SageMaker built-in algorithms that help data scientists and machine learning practitioners get started with training and deploying their models, and for the use of reinforcement learning (RL) with Amazon SageMaker. RSVP Webinar: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1-hr-free-workshop-pipelineai-gpu-tpu-spark-ml-tensorflow-ai-kubernetes-kafka-scikit-tickets-45852865154 Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82308186562 Meetup: https://meetup.datascienceonaws.com Related Links ============= O'Reilly Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1492079391/ Website: https://datascienceonaws.com Meetup: https://meetup.datascienceonaws.com GitHub Repo: https://github.com/data-science-on-aws/ YouTube: https://youtube.datascienceonaws.com Slideshare: https://slideshare.datascienceonaws.com


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